Notes: User is making bounding for TEXT with the help of ‘Position’ and ‘Any of Characters’. Position is used to capture the text location by the help of start position line and start position character number, it extracts the located values. Any of Characters represents all the characters & special characters also.
For Text & Position:
Let’s move on to the Field Parsers section.
- Click on ‘New‘ to create a new Field Parser.
- Enter the ‘Reference Name’ as ‘company_Name and then select Type as ‘Text’.
- Afterwards, select Source as ‘Text Body’ and click on ‘Save’ button.

- Click on the created Field Parser to open the record layout.
- Click on the ‘Build’ button on the top right corner.
- When user selects Source as a ‘Text Body’.
- Afterwards in ‘Field Parser Config’ set ‘Start Range’ as ‘Position’ and set ‘Start Position Line’ as “6” put ‘Start Position Character Number’ as “0” in it and set ‘End Range’ as ‘Any of Characters’ and put ‘.’ In it.
- Choose the option from the ‘Multiple Results Configurations‘ and select its value as ‘First’.
- Write a sample text in the Text Area and click on ‘Test‘ to check the functionality.
- Click on ‘Save‘.